Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I thought I would do a post today with our Halloween costumes. My hubby and I made ours. I haven't been feeling the best so I didn't really want to tackle Sky's princess bat costume. I know our costumes aren't amazing, but they were fun!

My hubby was Jimmer and I was his basketball. There's not much you can dress up as with a big ol' pregnant belly. So this is what I came up with. We just found a jersey looking shirt at Walmart, stamped Jimmer on the back and glued a Y symbol on the front. For mine I found a shirt that I could ruin, cut a basketball in half and glued it to the shirt where my belly poked out. It was a bit bigger than I am, but it still looked pretty good. For the net I just used a mesh laundry bag and cut the bottom off then cinched up the top. We wore this to our ward's trunk or treat party and it was a hit!

Jimmer dunking of course. :)

And again. :) I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Easy Halloween Kid Craft

This is a really easy kids Halloween craft. Yesterday when we were bored I came up with it although I'm sure someone somewhere has already done it.

I didn't get a picture of her doing this craft, but it's super easy! I just traced both of her feet onto white paper then let her cut them out herself. She then drew faces on the ghostie feet then glued them to the yellow paper. Then she stamped some Halloween stamps on to the paper. We are working on writing her name so I had her write her name at the bottom too.

Next is spider hands! All we did was trace her hands on black paper, she cut them out (I had to help her with cutting by the fingers), drew faces on them then glued them onto the orange paper. Last year for Halloween I bought a bag of spider webs from Walmart so I cut off a few small pieces of that and stretched them out. She then glued them to the corners and drew a line from the web to the spider. Then she stamped Happy Halloween down the middle.

Super easy and fun! I love this craft too because you will be able to look back in the years to come and see how small their little feet and hands are. We had a blast doing this little craft!

Happy Halloween and happy crafting!