Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Baseball Baby Shower

My very cute friend Brandy is due the day after I am due (March 5 and she is also having a boy), so I wanted to throw her a baby shower before we up and moved away. Her husband plays baseball for SVU and they love baseball so there really wasn't a question of what the theme should be. It was a lot of fun! 

Since it was a baseball theme, I made baseball food (fries, peanuts, popcorn, m&m's, cherry limeade, rootbeer and cream soda. I also made baseball cupcakes.). The banner I made says Oh Baby, but I asked my hubby for assistance in hanging it and it ended up Baby Oh. lol 

 They are naming their baby Hudson so I made a Hudson banner and put it in a vase filled with peanuts. You can kind of see the baseball cupcakes I made a bit better in this shot. I wish I would have taken a closer picture of them. 

We also played a few games. One was the clothes pin crossing game. This game everyone starts out with a certain number of clothespins then if someone catches you crossing something you have to give them a clothespin. The person with the most clothes pins in the end wins.

We also did a game with cotton balls (which represent little baseballs) and a spoon. The mom to be has a bowl of cotton balls on her lap and an empty bowl or basket on her head. The object of the game is to get all 5 cotton balls in the basket while blind folded. The problem I had with this game is that the cotton balls all seemed to stick together so in retrospect I would have had the person who got the most in win. It was pretty funny though.

A friend of mine was selling this bat coat hanger so I offered to buy it from her. She ended up giving it to me instead (Thanks Amanda). I wish I would have taken a before picture, but I didn't. It was plain brown with a baseball and bat holder where the name is. I just took of the baseball and bat holder, painted it white, then put  the baby's name where the holder used to be using my cricut (plantum school book cartridge) and blue vinyl. I then found some plain wooden picture frames at the dollar store. I painted them white and tacked a ribbon to the back so they would hang. I then cut a small piece of ribbon and tied it to the center of the top. I asked Brandy for her favorite ultrasound pictures. the bottom 2 were too small so I just used some blue paper to fill up the space. It was a lot of fun to make! I hope she liked it! 

 This is my gorgeous friend Brandy! She is amazing! This is one of the first baby showers I have ever thrown so I hope everyone had a good time. I had a lot of fun with it! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cheap Fun!

A few days ago we were are at some of our friends house watching a football game. They had some cokes in glass bottles. (Thank you Skeens for the bottles! You made Sky very happy!) Then I had a stroke of genius! Fill 'em up with water and food coloring, all at different levels, and hand Sky a spoon! I'm sure someone else somewhere has done this, but I thought it was awesome! She had a blast with this and it kept her busy for awhile. If you don't have glass bottles on hand you could always use glass cups or jars. Sometimes you can find mason jars at thrift stores (Goodwill, DI, etc.) that would work also. 

PS, don't judge the hair or the outfit. She has been on a very independent kick lately. She has to dress her self and do her own hair. Which can be very helpful.......or a fashion disaster. We didn't leave our house today so I thought "Ehhh what the hay?" and let her wear the pure amazing fashion disaster. You don't think it looks bad here, but there is a big reason you can't see her bottom half....scary! I love letting her be creative and be in control of her own look. I try to only step in when necessary. She's only 4 so it's cute right?! :) Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I thought I would do a post today with our Halloween costumes. My hubby and I made ours. I haven't been feeling the best so I didn't really want to tackle Sky's princess bat costume. I know our costumes aren't amazing, but they were fun!

My hubby was Jimmer and I was his basketball. There's not much you can dress up as with a big ol' pregnant belly. So this is what I came up with. We just found a jersey looking shirt at Walmart, stamped Jimmer on the back and glued a Y symbol on the front. For mine I found a shirt that I could ruin, cut a basketball in half and glued it to the shirt where my belly poked out. It was a bit bigger than I am, but it still looked pretty good. For the net I just used a mesh laundry bag and cut the bottom off then cinched up the top. We wore this to our ward's trunk or treat party and it was a hit!

Jimmer dunking of course. :)

And again. :) I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Easy Halloween Kid Craft

This is a really easy kids Halloween craft. Yesterday when we were bored I came up with it although I'm sure someone somewhere has already done it.

I didn't get a picture of her doing this craft, but it's super easy! I just traced both of her feet onto white paper then let her cut them out herself. She then drew faces on the ghostie feet then glued them to the yellow paper. Then she stamped some Halloween stamps on to the paper. We are working on writing her name so I had her write her name at the bottom too.

Next is spider hands! All we did was trace her hands on black paper, she cut them out (I had to help her with cutting by the fingers), drew faces on them then glued them onto the orange paper. Last year for Halloween I bought a bag of spider webs from Walmart so I cut off a few small pieces of that and stretched them out. She then glued them to the corners and drew a line from the web to the spider. Then she stamped Happy Halloween down the middle.

Super easy and fun! I love this craft too because you will be able to look back in the years to come and see how small their little feet and hands are. We had a blast doing this little craft!

Happy Halloween and happy crafting!

Friday, September 30, 2011


I must admit that I LOVE Halloween! I've always loved it! My hubby doesn't love it nearly as much as I do so that's why Sky and I plastered our house with Halloween decor while he was at class. We are sneaky sneaky, I know. ;) I have a tutorial of a fun Halloween craft for you just to get you in a spook-tacular mood. :)

What you will need:

A hot glue gun, hot glue, a candle stick holder and a small round jar of some sort. I got both my candle stick holder and jar both from the dollar store. I bought that last of the candle stick holders sadly enough and they haven't gotten anymore in, but when they do I will make more of these!

Step 1:
Put hot glue all around the top of the candle stick holder.

Step 2:
Place the glass jar on the glue. Make sure that it is centered before you put it down on the holder.

There you go! Piece of cake! I love this because it's so easy and so cute! You can tie ribbons around the bottom if you choose, or leave it be.

You could even add some eyeballs! :) I found these bubble eyeballs at the dollar store and thought they would be perfect for this project! I need to buy some more next time I go to fill it up. The total cost of this craft was $3.00 (eyeballs included).

Here are a few more things in my Halloween decor that I have made!

This Spooky canister is probably one of my favorites! I made it last year, but I love it! I got the canister long ago from Roberts. I then choose 2 scrapbook papers that I liked and cut them into 3'' strips. I then distressed the edges and glued them to the canister with mod podge. They all overlapped a bit. Then I pulled out my old school foam stamps and picked out the letters that I needed for the word "Spooky" all from different fonts. I stamped on the word Spooky with black craft paint that I got from Archivers. If you get some on the edges of your letters not to worry 'cause it makes for great distressing! I distressed next to the word Spooky with black paint. After the paint was fully dry (it is very important to let the paint dry all the way so that it doesn't smear). I then painted mod podge over the whole canister. While that was drying I cut out a piece of paper for the lid. I painted the top of the lid black, mod podged the paper to the lid, then distressed it with white paint. I really love how this craft turned out!

I found this glass jar at my parents house. It had some nasty flower thing with perfume stuff in it so my mom was going to throw it away. I snatched it from her, threw that flower away and washed it out really well. I thought that it would look cool with some glow in the dark snakes that I found, once again, at the dollar store. {I love the dollar store!} My husband didn't notice this until one night when he turned off the lights the snakes started glowing and it freaked him out a bit. Hahahaha!

I hope you have enjoyed this Halloween post! I'm sure there will be more to come! Happy crafting!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ribbon Rings

Lately I have been loving this whole pintrest idea! There are so many wonderful and creative ideas on there! I just can't get enough! Anyway, while browsing around on pintrest I came across these ribbon dancing ring things. I thought they were so cool! You can go here to see the original. I really liked the idea, but I didn't have any wood rings. I saw some pipe cleaners and got inspired!

I started out by twisting two pipe cleaners together then forming a ring by wrapping the ends around each other.

I then tied a bunch of ribbon onto my ring. I have some short ribbon and some long ribbon because I thought it might look more interesting, and because I just dug through my scrap ribbon drawer and this is what I found.

Then waalaaa! You have a fancy schmansy ribbon ring of your very own!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kiddie Scavengar Hunt!

I saw this idea on I am Momma hear me roar! I knew it was something my kids would love! It would also get them walking around outside, and help get some energy out! Not to mention it was totally free! I just saved our egg cartons, and used some scrapbook supplies I had on hand. Here's what you'll need...
Egg Cartons (however many kids you have)
Scrapbook paper
Strong Paper Glue (take it from me, glue dots did not work!)
Pictures of things to look for outside ( I printed the one from the blog) Push all the middle things (?) down inside the egg carton, this will help it close better!

Glue on the picture!

Embellish the tops with scrapbook paper, and stickers!

Go hunting!!!

My kids really got into this! It was awesome to see!

Don't forget to stop and stare at any balloons you might see! ( We live in Rexburg and have these things all over the place)

YAY! All done! I think those red cheeks mean she's a little tired! Mission Accomplished!