Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kiddie Scavengar Hunt!

I saw this idea on I am Momma hear me roar! I knew it was something my kids would love! It would also get them walking around outside, and help get some energy out! Not to mention it was totally free! I just saved our egg cartons, and used some scrapbook supplies I had on hand. Here's what you'll need...
Egg Cartons (however many kids you have)
Scrapbook paper
Strong Paper Glue (take it from me, glue dots did not work!)
Pictures of things to look for outside ( I printed the one from the blog) Push all the middle things (?) down inside the egg carton, this will help it close better!

Glue on the picture!

Embellish the tops with scrapbook paper, and stickers!

Go hunting!!!

My kids really got into this! It was awesome to see!

Don't forget to stop and stare at any balloons you might see! ( We live in Rexburg and have these things all over the place)

YAY! All done! I think those red cheeks mean she's a little tired! Mission Accomplished!